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Hugging a Pillow

Gynecological Problems

Vaginal bleeding and discharge are a normal part of your menstrual cycle prior to menopause. However, if you notice anything different or unusual, consult with Duni before attempting to treat yourself. Symptoms may result from mild infections that are easy to treat. However, it can lead to a more serious condition, including infertility. Vaginal symptoms may also be a sign of more serious problems, from sexually transmitted infections (STIs) to cancers of the reproductive tract.​



Symptoms of Gynecological Problems


  • frequent and urgent need to urinate or a burning sensation during urination

  • abnormal vaginal bleeding, particularly during or after intercourse

  • pain or pressure in your pelvis that differs from menstrual cramps

  • itching, burning, swelling, redness, or soreness in the vaginal area

  • sores or lumps in the genital area

  • vaginal discharge with an unpleasant or unusual odor, or an unusual color

  • increased vaginal discharge

  • pain or discomfort during intercourse



Duni envision a future, where a high quality healthcare service is accessible by every adolescent and woman. Our goal is to meet and exceed your expectation. Our providers and staff are dedicated to providing you with the utmost care and service at every encounter.

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